To celebrate Women’s History Month, Naomi Douglas and Chloe Poole (UBDSS), in collaboration with the ED&I Committee, asked some of our female staff to reflect on their careers, achievements, inspirations, and challenges they’ve overcome. This is just a small portion of the inspiring women that we work with at Bristol Dental School.
The third in our series is Dr Julie Mallinson.
What advice would you give your dental student/younger self?
Don’t underestimate yourself, you are stronger than you think.
What’s the greatest achievement of your career so far?
Being able to positively influence the profession through selection and education of future dental professionals. But I also think it is important to say here that earlier in my career, I chose to prioritise being a mum and dentistry took the back seat for a few years (I didn’t give up completely, but juggled and put family first). So I have to include my family who are a big part of who and where I am now.
Which women have inspired you in your career?
The female owner of the first practice I worked in as an associate. At the time, female practice owners were few and far between and it was formative to work alongside someone with such drive and determination. I am now privileged to work with so many inspirational women it would be wrong to single one out.
What have been the biggest challenges or triumphs for you during the pandemic? (at work or personally)
Biggest challenge: Lockdown in winter and not being able to see family and friends, especially my eldest son. I suppose I should include having COVID, that was a tough few weeks.
Biggest triumph: Digging a pond in the garden, and coming out of the first lockdown fitter than I went in, thanks to my younger son becoming my PT.
If you’d like to contribute to this blog series, simply email your answers (and an image of yourself) to