To celebrate Women’s History Month, Naomi Douglas and Chloe Poole (UBDSS), in collaboration with the ED&I Committee, asked some of our female staff to reflect on their careers, achievements, inspirations, and challenges they’ve overcome. This is just a small portion of the inspiring women that we work with at Bristol Dental School.
The second in our series is Adele Carter.
What advice would you give your dental student/younger self?
To always follow your heart and do what makes you happy, as you get older (and wiser!) your circle gets smaller. I ensure that I surround myself with positive and empowering people.
What’s the greatest achievement of your career so far?
One of my highlights and proud moments was to be personally mentioned in the student feedback surveys at the dental hospital. To know that I had supported and encouraged you makes all of the hard work worthwhile. It really was a wonderful feeling to know that I had made a small difference.
Which women have inspired you in your career?
One of my main female inspirations in dentistry is my very good friend Hailey Gill. Hailey is a hygiene therapist and facial aesthetics practitioner, her determination, professionalism, dedication, and eye for high end quality treatment is so inspiring, I am immensely proud. Hailey is my ‘go to’ for anything dental or work related.
What have been the biggest challenges or triumphs for you during the pandemic? (at work or personally)
The global pandemic has been challenging in many ways but the resilience and positive attitude from our wonderful students has really made a difference. The start of the academic year 2021 brought so many changes which involved a huge amount of planning and preparation behind the scenes. Seeing all of the plans unfold and work was especially rewarding, this could not have happened without co-operation from all involved, so thank you.
If you’d like to contribute to this blog series, simply email your answers (and an image of yourself) to