On 14th April 2016, 2nd year dental students received Medical Emergencies training by Dr Nigel Robb. On 15th April 2016, I used this training to save a man’s life. I was on my way home from a night out and there was a man lying on the street. He was unconscious, had no pulse and was breathing less than six breaths per minute. A fellow law student, Ryan Kisten and I conducted CPR on this gentleman and managed to bring him back. We later found out this man had a family, only making us feel an even higher level achievement and warmth that we helped to keep a family together.
We often take our course for granted and don’t appreciate the importance of the content we get taught. However this situation has taught me to value my education in becoming a dentist and a health care professional in general. The education we receive is important not only within the hospital or in our future careers but also as members of society. I am proud to have been a part of saving this man’s life and I am immensely grateful to Dr Robb for teaching me how to have done this.
Roshni Rabheru, Year 2 Dental Student

It was really gratifying to read Roshni’s account of helping to save the life of someone she came across in the street. It is also great credit to her that she was brave enough to put her training into practice rather than passing by on the other side of the street.
As Healthcare Professionals the public do expect us to have the skills to assist those in medical need. Indeed there are a number of documented cases where members of the public have sought help for such instances from dental practices. Fortunately the number of individuals who suffer medical emergencies within the dental environment remains low, but as members of the dental team we should all recognise the potential we have to save a life.
Once again, well done to both Roshni and Ryan.
Dr Nigel Robb, Reader / Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
What a credit to the humanity and professionalism of the students and staff of Bristol Dental School.