Mr Puryer has had an article published in the Dentistry Journal entitled Dental Undergraduate Views of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs): A Literature Review. With OSCE season fast approaching, this may be an interesting read for all students. There is open access via the Dentistry Journal website, or else you can view the PDF of the article below.

To me, Literature seems fun, even though I have not really learned enough about it. I have heard my friends talk about it a lot of time while in school, and they really made it look kind of fun to me. I have been trying lately to get to know more about literature, enough to write a review about the course, and I have enjoyed doing just like they said I would. if you are looking for an interesting site as good as this one, then click this link and you would be open to a site with amazing information that would be very useful to you.
The review was something above exceptional, I enjoyed most of it. These days reading feels as sun as seeing my favorite movies unlike recent years. Great piece once again.
The article was insightful is really nice too.
I am a Dentistry and Surgery student. I found this paper interesting although it was also a little difficult.
Totally insightful. Love this post!
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